Aizen the Prophet

Professor, scientist, scholar, poet, artist, a member of the Union of Journalist, politician.

In 1996 and 2000, he was nominated by an initiative group to the office of the President of Russia. Twice, he was a candidate to Chechnya Presidency.

He predicts that in the nearest future he will become the president of Russia.

If the coefficient of telepathic communication of Nostradamus and Wanga was about 70% then Aizen's prophecies come true 99%. He isn't afraid to make a mistake and that is why he publishes them in advance.

There has never been such a phenomenon in the history of mankind.

On July 1, 1997, at a press-conference in the Central Home of Journalists in Moscow Aizen made a speech where announced his predictions, which were them published in "Izvestia", "Moscow Tribune, "Oracle" and other newspapers. Thus, several predictions published in "Oracle" (N7 and 8, 1997), soon came true:

Earlier, Aizen had predicted that Andropov, Chernenko, Gorbachev, Yeltsin would come to power and that the two parts of Germany would unit, etc.

The information about disintegration of the Soviet Union and Gorbachev's retirement as well as of the war in Persian gulf was published on October 3, 1991, in the "World Democratic Union" (WDU) newspaper.

"Two famous women will leave our world. One of them is known as a custodian of imperious traditions of family dynasty and the other one as a bearer of good and charity". This prophecy was published in WDU newspaper on October 5, 1992 and it came true in 1997. Princess Diana and Mother Theresa left this world almost simultaneously.

"Bloody fights will take place in Moscow during the meeting on 1st of May, tragic events will happen in the white House in October", he wrote in WDU newspaper on October 30, 1993. This prophecy was realized in October.

"In February Rutskoy and Hasbulatow will be released from Lefortovo". It was said in the interview to the journalists of Radio Grozny in February 1994.

Commitment of the troops into Chechnya, destruction of Grozny, earthquake in Japan, attempt of Quebec to separate from Canada and other events were predicted by Aizen at the press-conference in Alista on September 28, 1994.

"Russia will unite with some Moslem countries and with the republics of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). The military will come to power", he proclaimed in the book "Aizen. He was predicted by Nostradamus" publishedy R. Izmailov in 1997. All of these prophecies have already come true.

In 1997, Aizen warned Mr. G.Ostroumov (Mr. Gorbachev's assistant) that Raisa Gorbacheva would fall seriously ill and asked for permission to have an audience with the ex-president but unfortunately his warning was ignored. It is well known that those who are capable to foretell a misfortune sometimes can help to prevent it.

In summer 1997, he predicted a hurricane in Moscow but they failed to publish the information in time. In September Aizen told Mr. Ustjuzanin, correspondent of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" newspaper, that Clinton would stand the impeachment but Yeltsin would retire before the expiry of his term. He said that a Man of War would replace him. "The war in the Caucasus will begin and the consequences of it will be terrible", he said at the press conference in Moscow on July 6, 1998. "The Western countries will be up in arms against Russia. Even Moscow will have damages. The world war will expand due to the conflict between Israel and Palestine.

It was in 1991 when Aizen wrote that the creation of the united government in the world was inevitable. But there is a real danger that such structures as NATO (WDU newspaper, August 1991) will try to take a ravange.

But the most of important Aizen’s prophecy is that Messiah of the Second Advent has been already among us for a long time and he has begun His spiritual and social activity in the name of Salvation of the whole Mankind.

He will create a new form of government on the Earth without frontiers between countries and violence against people, i.e. God’s Kingdom on the Earth. “One hundred and forty four thousand of Saints will join him, the elects who will be called and who are faithful”. This is pointed out in the sensational book titled “Messiah” published in Moscow in 1999.

The book underlines that Aizen is a descendant of the King Ludovick XVI.

Aizen says that the book will be nominated to the most outstanding Peace Prize, and a feature film on this plot and a variety ensemble which will be created on the grounds of new ideology will be of great success all over the World.

Above it, Aizen has made a sensation discovery concerning the origin and development of the mankind, which will change root and branch the notion of the scientists about civilization.

As is known there are three regions of the World religious warship on the Earth. They are Jerusalem, Mecca and Vatican. Aizen says that the fourth region will be opened soon in the Caucasus and it will be the most significant one. There, in the Caucasus, an Oasis of heavenly life will be created.

Aizen organizes the public movement “Messiah”, under an appeal “Peacemakers! Righteous people! 144 thousands of Saints, unite!” He announced it at the conference in Moscow, July 19, 1999. He said that this unification would win a victory all over the world.

The Prophet calls upon to carry on a March of Peace under the motto “Let us unite and stop World War III”.

Aduev Movsar Khalidovich (Aizen) was born in Asia, to be exact, in Kazakhstan, on October 24, 1949.

His birth was affected by two horoscope symbols - Libro and Scorpio - justice an iron will to revival. He studied at school in Samashki village (Chechnya). When he was 9, he took a great interest in poetry. He composed rhymes and published them in various newspapers and magazines as well as in two collective additions of young poets in 1978 and 1980.

There is an interesting fact from his childhood. The director of the school where he studied often addressed him by nickname “Professor”. Later on he called him “King”. When he was a baby his grandfather liked to call him “Prophet”. Now the International Institute of Management has granted him a degree of Professor of Philosophy.

The time will show whether the essence of his other titles will be realized.

It is surprising that Aizen was a school director in 1977-1981 without higher education, certain experience in teaching and not being a member of the CPSU.

In 1980 he graduated from Grozny University (faculty of Philosophy by correspondence) and then post-graduate studentship in Naltchik. He became a candidate of historical science. After that he worked in the sphere of education and editorial staffs of newspapers. In 1991, he organized social-political movement - World Democratic Unit as well as the newspaper with a similar title.

When he was nominated for election to the office of President, many people were surprised how he managed to take part in the elections without money. The matter is that his supporters rendered him every possible assistance in the name of the Most High. Nevertheless the people didn’t understand him and he had to leave the republic. The people didn’t know that by their refusal to vote for the Prophet they ignored their divine happiness (iman-berkat) and thus they chose war and devastation for themselves. But more awful - they choose sin which will be condemned by the descendants.

What does the name Aizen mean?

The real spiritual name was given to Aizen by the Heaven, not as to a poet, but as to the Prophet. Later on the Angeles told him about it in his dreams.

The Alpine lake Aizen is called as well as Eizen or Kezenoi-Am. Many legends are connected with this lake. One of the most popular of them is as follows:

Once upon a time, the people who lived in a small mountain village stepped aside from their faith and put their hearts to egoism and voluptuousness. Then the Most High sent a wanderer to them - the Prophet in the guise of a plain beggar, who was wandering from house to house and begged. Everybody sent him away from their household. Only one widow who lived in the outskirts of the village treated him to bread and salt. The wanderer thanked her and gave her advice to leave the village at midnight as soon as water appear at the threshold of her house. At first, the widow didn’t believe him but when the water appeared in her household she caught her child in her arms, left the village and climbed a high rock. After it the whole village was flooded in no time and all the sinners who lived in the village parished. A great sea formed at the place was called Eizen lake.

This name connected with the legend is a reminder to the people. The same catastrophe may happen to the mankind if it doesn’t change its mind and doesn’t come back to the way of faith. Aizen, as the legend beggar mentioned above, warns the people of the forthcoming misfortunes, the World war.

But the people of the World plunge into the “swamp”, because they are blind and deaf. That is why they ignore the arm of salvation.

As it was mentioned above, Aizen is the name of the Alpine Lake. It should be pointed out that the followers of the ancient Prophet Zoroastra (Zaratoustrah) spoke about the Savior to come who would be born from the seads of the Prophet miraculously saved in the depths of the mountainous lake. Aizen’s grand-grand father was a Saint too, and he foretold the appearance of a greater Prophet from his family.

“When the time comes God will open a great secret to us”- says the Saint Book. Isn’t it the 3rd secret of Fatima, which was opened to Aizen due to a divine dawn up? As is known, on May 13, 1917, God’s Mother presented herself to three shepherdesses in the outskirts of Fatima village, in Portugal, and had a talk with them. Afterwards, she appeared in that area five times on 13th of every month. During her 3rd appearance, in the presence of many thousands of people, she told one of the shepherdesses, Lucia by name, a Holy secret which could be let out only in 1960. It was revealed that World War I would finish, but in twenty years the World War II would begin. Then on the eve of XXI century, something unexpected, unforeseen would happen and the consequences will shake the whole religious community. At the appointed time this secret was partially stated in Lucia’s letter to the Pope. He didn’t allow to publish the information.

Thus, the secret, called Fatima’s 3rd secret, hasn’t been discovered fully. (True, they say that according to Vatican’s directions the secret was partially revealed in summer 2000)

In accordance with God’s will the secret was let out to Aizen and he is ready to reveal it to all the people after he comes back from Portugal.

He has an intention to pay a visit to Canada to save his fellows from Quebec from possible blood shed.

Why fellows from Quebec? According to some information, Aizen is a descendant of one of the martyrs of France - King of France Ludovick XVI who was executed in 1973 as a result of people’s riot. (Now he is canonized).

Some members of the King’s family who managed to leave France secretly appeared in the Caucasus, as fate had willed it, in the mountainous area of Chechnya where Aizen family has its origin. But the most part of King’s relatives went to Canada (Quebec).

Just main notice: Nostradamus says a lot about Great Monarch, who will be from France King’s Dynasty.

Once after the conference in Moscow Mr.V.Prus, the artist who is well known all over the world and whom one of the stars in the sky is named approached Aizen and said: “I like your image very much…Your beard. Would you like me to draw your spiritual portrait?” Several days passed and the portrait was ready. He didn’t know Aizen well enough, but an astonishing picture was on the canvas: a double–edged sword with stars on the blade desending from the sky directly into the mirror – like surface of the mythical lake with its sharp end downwards. Apostles waiting for somebody, birds of paradise flying over him and, at last, a huge mass of people around Aizen, sitting solemnly in palanquin on the throne, which was carried by his brothers-in-arms. Having seen such picture in the stage of meditation the artist hurried to imprint Aizen’s sacred image whose wise glance was oriented into the Mystery of Divine Universe.


Aizen – is a legendary super-charismatic personality. The fair sex appreciated him greatly. Though it is out of the rule to discuss intimate details of Prophet’s life, but it has a historical explanation. Let us recollect such Prophet’s as David and Solomon who had hundreds of wifes and concubines. Even Prophet Magomet had more than ten wifes. It is the evidence to the fact that in parallel with super intellectual capacities God gave them abnormal erotic energy.

One of the scientists said that if only God could have come to Earth as a human – being then, without any doubt, it would have been Aizen. As he is a unique person in all respects. Irrespective of his age he is young in his dreams, intellect, in his deeds, face and body.

He is as young as baby, with his baby white skin. According to the medical conclusions he has no senile wrinkles. His strong organism radiates curative energy. Only on his face there are some thin wrinkles about his smiling eyes. They are like rays of the Sun which emphasis his outstanding wisdom – to always love everybody. He has never wished evil to everybody. He has never killed birds or animals, deceived people. He is not capable of doing low down actions. He has always tried to do his best to help everybody giving his money to the people, becoming a pauper. This man has never bad any unkind intentions or self-interest. It would be sinful to be envious towards him, to say nothing about hostility. That is the main reason why he is sent to us by God who provided him with prophetic gift to remind people about holiness of a Man alive.

Evidently, God has provided Aizen, with special attractiveness. Since his childhood, he has been very handsome and everybody recognized it without exception. Girls fell in love with him at first sight. He says that he had more than 2000 girls. Up till today, many of them do not try to hide their feelings and give high praise to him. Some of them even dreamt of having children from him. “Even Hollywood sex-symbols would envy his out of the common energy”, they told.

According to them some enigmatic, everlasting, affectionate force attracts them to him. And now many females fell in love with him, even young girls.

Irrespective of his physical ailment, he has never fell en ill since he was . When young, he fulfilled master of sports standard in weight lifting. He juggled with dumb-bells and worked as a rope-walker. His acrobatic turns – vertical handstand on two index fingers and horizontal hand-stand without elbow support – were worthy of a publication in the Guinness Book Records.

R. Izmaylow.

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